“What remains when the flying artist’s room moves on? What does the flying artist leave behind? What products have emerged from the collaboration between artists, students and teachers? And what thoughts do the artist and others have about art, the flying artist’s room, and the role of the artist?
All that and lots more besides can be found under “tools & theory”!
The “tools” section combines all kinds of formats that have emerged from the collaboration between the artists and the students and teachers in the flying artist’s room, and is intended to invite anyone interested to try things out for themselves and be creative.
This can be a newspaper, such as the Flying Art Journal, published by the flying artist Lisa Haucke during her time as artist-in-residence at Limes School in Idstein or what we call “creativity hacks” – short videos with ideas that can easily and quickly be implemented – developed by the flying artist Janina Warnk at Georg Christoph Lichtenberg School in Ober-Ramstadt during the pandemic to guide collaborations with students.
However, there can also be longer explanatory films that emerged as approaches to lessons in different subjects on the curriculum in collaboration with the first flying artist Jan Lotter with the teachers and students at Wollenberg School in Wetter.
> Creativity hacks
Developed by the flying artist Janina Warnk when the full impact of the coronavirus crisis was making itself felt, “creativity hacks” offer brief suggestions for artistic collaborations with students that are particularly easy and quick to implement. This has been continued by the artist Eva Funk: two “creativity hacks” emerged at Lüdertal School in Großenlüder during the 2021/2022 school year.
Eva Funks “creativity hacks”
Janina Warnks “creativity hacks”
> Approaches to the curriculum
As the name DO IT YOURSELF! implies, these descriptive explanatory films offer artistic ideas that emerged from approaches to lessons in various subjects on the curriculum that can be replicated. They came about from the collaboration between the artist Jan Lotter and teachers and students in the flying artist’s room. Supplemented by a “list of ingredients” with the materials required, students and teachers can set about these quickly and easily – do it yourself!
list of ingredients CAN YOU FEEL IT
list of ingredients DAS MUSTER, DAS VERBINDET
The Flying Art Journal documents the work of the flying artist Lisa Haucke with students at Limes School in Idstein, with each edition inviting a guest writer to reflect on Lisa’s work. The newspaper is currently conceived as a hybrid, with QR codes offering fun approaches to dance and movement as well as other creative methods.
Edition #1: “Dance becomes a drawing, a drawing becomes dance”
Interviewees: Prof. Christiane Riedel, Chair of the Crespo Foundation, Friederike Schönhuth, divisional head at the Crespo Foundation and flying artist Lisa Haucke
Guest writer: Dr. Katarina Kleinschmidt, dance researcher and dancer

Edition #2: “About dancing, flying, fluttering and listening to each other”
Interviewees: Markus Kauer, manager of cultural education at the Hessian Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs
Guest writer: Stine Hollmann

Edition #3: “My dream school”
Interviewees: Carolina Romahn, responsible for cultural education at HMWK
Guest writers Marc Ulrich, philosopher; Christian Ahrens; Christine Neumer, German teacher at Limes School; Luisa, Joshua, Ben, Patrick and Tizian, Limes School students