Lüdertal School (2021/2022 & 2022/2023 school year)
Lüdertal School in Großenlüder is a vocational and general secondary school in a rural area near Fulda with around 350 students and 30 teachers. The school is on the outskirts of the municipality of Großenlüder in the heart of the countryside – its catchment area includes seven primary schools in the western part of the district of Fulda.
As a full-day Profile 1 school, it has extensive offerings in the arts and sports, and provides additional educational support. In grades 5 and 6 the students have the opportunity to participate in the wind instrument project throughout the school. There are a wide variety of activities available in the afternoons, including mountain biking, football and archery, plus a ceramics workshop and a school theatre. Older students work as mentors, helping younger students learn as part of homework supervision and individual support.
The school, which celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2019, offers students in this rural area vocational and academic qualifications and prepares them for a move to vocational training or to other schools in nearby Fulda. In doing so it works closely with local primary and special schools and is a training school for trainee teachers. Another specialism is courses teaching German as a foreign language to students who have a migrant background and the integration of newcomers to the school and local area.
“Reading scouts” in the busy school library make a welcome contribution to encouraging reading among children and young people; the school also regularly takes part in reading competitions run by the Reading Foundation. As part of its commitment to sustainable development, the school has held the “Environmental school – Learning and acting for our future” certificate for many years.
In close cooperation with the municipality, Lüdertal School also participates in a number of cultural events in the region – musical, artistic and more. The municipality of Großenlüder celebrates its 1,200th anniversary in 2022. In this anniversary year, the flying artist’s room is a thoroughly welcome addition to what Lüdertal School already offers.
“We need art and we need it now!
Antje Neiße, Headteacher of Lüdertal School
Especially given how things are at the moment, our students need new and different ways of expressing themselves that are their own in order process the events, experiences and situations caused by the pandemic, discover themselves again, and regain their bearings.
Here, art offers very individual means of access through its nonverbal forms of design and expression.”