“The concept of the flying artist’s room makes my heart leap for joy! A platform for creativity and turning reality on its head in the heart of the playground!”
Janina Warnk, artist-in-residence 2019/2020 & 2020/2021
Janina Warnk, artist-in-residence 2019/2020 & 2020/2021
Janina Warnk from Hamburg, who was born in 1983, initially studied film at the international European Film School in Ebeltoft, Denmark, before moving to the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne. During this time her interest in performance art and installations grew. At the heart of Janina Warnk’s work is socially critical humour at the interface of creative actionism. The creation of immersive spaces and worlds allows a shift in space and time that questions and plays with the rules and boundaries of reality. Warnk has worked with children and young people for more than five years. After a year in the flying artist’s room, she is particularly excited to see new approaches and individual connections and collectives emerge as it grows into the place.