Wollenberg School in Wetter (2018/2019 school year)
Wollenberg School in Wetter is an integrated full-day comprehensive school in the district of Marburg-Biedenkopf and has around 650 students and 70 teachers. As a regional school it offers academic, vocational and general secondary education, and all qualifications for admission to an academic sixth form and vocational and general secondary school diplomas. The school attaches particular importance to developing the potential of all children in relation to their individual abilities, imparting professional and social skills, as well as a modern education that particularly encourages an awareness of their responsibility and self-confidence, as well as encouraging independence and creativity as learners. There is plenty of scope here for project-based work across different subjects. Accessibility and consideration of human rights in future-oriented lessons are part of Wollenberg School’s identity. In particular the school offers a wide variety of opportunities for learning and acquiring experience in STEM subjects, art/culture/music, sport, media and globalisation/sustainability. Since the 2017/2018 school year, Wollenberg School in Wetter has held Hessen’s quality label for schools that especially encourage gifted and talented students. As a school that is particularly engaged in education about the environment and sustainable development, for several years it has held the “Environmental school – Learning and acting for our future” certificate. Wollenberg School hosted the flying artist’s room during the 2018/2019 school year.
“The flying artist’s room immediately sparked something. It very soon became clear to me that the project is something unique, something special. And more than anything, this project is a good fit with us!”
Barbara Burggraf, Principal of Wollenberg School in Wetter