Georg Christoph Lichtenberg School (2019/2020 & 2020/2021 school years)
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg School (GCLS) in Ober-Ramstadt is an integrated comprehensive school with a sixth form in the district of Darmstadt-Dieburg and has 1,250 students and around 100 teachers. Ober-Ramstadt, which has a population of 16,000, is idyllically located in the middle of the countryside as a gateway to the Odenwald mountains, but is also close to the city of Darmstadt and the Rhine-Main area.
The school sees itself as a “school for everyone” since it offers all school-leaving diplomas for schools providing a general education. In its teaching as well as in the variety of extracurricular activities available, GCLS wants to operate as a school of culture and offer all members of the school community the opportunity to fully develop their potential and creative capabilities. Combined learning applies up to grade 8 in order to keep educational pathways open for as long as possible and stimulate reserves of talent so that all the children and young people can obtain the best possible school-leaving certificate.
Through personalised teaching and learning processes as well as project-based work, the early recognition of individual strengths and weaknesses of the students is guaranteed. With enrolment in grade 5, the children opt either for a wind instrument lesson or a class with an emphasis on science and technical (STEM) subjects. The competencies they acquire there can be boosted in grade 6 in core elective subjects, for instance culture³, (s)cool science, various wind bands and an extensive offering of clubs. The academic sixth form continues the various offers with advanced courses in sciences and art, and the opportunity to choose drama as a subject in their school-leaving certificate.
GCLS is a certified school with a specialism in music and a STEM-friendly school. It stands out through its diverse learning offers and wide-ranging engagement. For example there is a group of first aiders, a school company, an Amnesty group, museum and archive guides, a school band and numerous orchestras, a film and recording studio, and a biotope with a pond, hens and hares. The students regularly enjoy success in competitions and international meetings, and once a year around 100 students receive awards for their extraordinary commitment. The students also receive support from the school as they make their transition to working life and further studies.
“This programme creates wonderful opportunities to establish and evolve creative approaches in learning processes at school.”
Dirk Karl Pilgram, Principal of GCLS