Gymnasium Nidda
Around 1,000 students in grades 5 to 13 from 83 towns and villages are taught at Gymnasium Nidda. Due to its proximity to the pond, it is also known as the school on the pond. As there is demand for creativity in all areas, the school community has embarked on becoming certified as a school of culture.
Paul-Moor-Schule in Wehretal-Reichensachsen is a special needs school and an all-day school (Profile 3). It is the only school in the Werra-Meißner district focusing on cognitive development. A total of 52 teachers educate 142 students who have very different learning needs using team teaching.
Walter-Lübcke-Schule in Wolfhagen is a cooperative comprehensive school with an academic sixth form in the district of Kassel and has around 1,350 students. With its renaming as Walter-Lübcke-Schule in 2020, the school community wanted to send a clear message about democracy and social cohesion.
Stadtschule Schlüchtern
Stadtschule Schlüchtern is a combined vocational and general secondary school in the Main-Kinzig district and has around 750 students and 60 teachers. It is certified as having a specialism in music and in the 2021/2022 school year was included in Hessen’s schools of culture programme.
Adolf-Reichwein-Schule in Pohlheim
Adolf-Reichwein-Schule (ARS) is an integrated comprehensive school in Pohlheim in the district of Gießen that has around 620 students from grades 5 to 10. As well as offering vocational and general secondary school diplomas, ARS also provides students with the opportunity to progress into grade 11.
Gesamtschule Battenberg
Gesamtschule Battenberg is a cooperative comprehensive school in the district of Waldeck-Frankenberg and has around 850 students in grades 5 to 10. Given the school’s rural location on the edge of the Rothaar mountains in north-west Hesse, Gesamtschule Battenberg takes students from around ten primary schools and 20 different towns and villages.
SchoolLena Skrabs & Paloma Sanchez-Palencia
2022/2023: g.a.d.o.Adolf Reichwein SchoolJanosch Feiertag
2023/24: Hassan Sheidaei
2022/2023: Leander RipchinskyNidda High SchoolDamaris WursterPaul Moor SchoolGhaku OkazakiWalter Lübcke SchoolDawid LiftingerGesamtschule BattenbergSophia Mix