Paul-Moor-Schule (2023/2024 & 2024/2025 school year)
Paul-Moor-Schule (PMS) in Wehretal-Reichensachsen is a special needs school and a Profile 3 all-day school. It is the only school in the Werra-Meißner district focusing on cognitive development. The catchment area covers a 50-kilometre radius.
PMS is also a national centre of advice and support for the special education area of physical and motor development in the combined Hersfeld-Rotenburg and Werra-Meißner education authority. It is involved in advising students, their teachers and parents about special needs in inclusive education.
A total of 52 teachers work at the school. There are also around 30 individual teaching assistants, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech therapists and three federal volunteers working with the students. The students are taught by multi-professional teams in established team teaching. Depending on the lesson content, they are also supported by experts from outside the school.
The school is attended by 142 students who have very different learning needs. Alongside the different levels of mental disability, there is often social and emotional impairment, autistic behaviours, behavioural disorders, limited verbal skills and physical disabilities and sensory impairment all the way to severe multiple learning disabilities.
The school is divided into different levels, which means that the students attend primary, middle, secondary and vocational levels, with each building on the other. In line with the education concept, they generally spend twelve years at school.
Every student has the opportunity to develop and learn in age-appropriate learning groups according to their learning needs and possibilities so that their lives can be as independent and self-determined as possible. To ensure the students get the best possible encouragement, personalised and differentiated learning lies at the heart of school support in all areas.
The flying artist’s room offers a space for trying out and developing the creative potential of students and teachers. Our wish is that the artistic processes undertaken jointly by the students and teachers and the artist will enrich lessons and school life for the long term. We hope that our focus on design will be enriched by a new creative position.”
Heike Henn, Head Teacher