Cultural education is already a firm fixture
The idea of having a flying artist’s room came up during a master’s thesis by Sabine Abel, who now works for the local government of Limburg-Weilburg. She conducted surveys of students, teachers and school management and discussed opportunities for cultural education. The outcome is that cultural education for children and young people from grades 1 to 10 is already extensive at Emsbachtal School.
“From performance via painting, sculpture and film projects all the way to many other forms of artistic creation, everything conceivable will be possible!”
Comment from the staffroom
Why we still wanted to have a flying artist’s room on our playground
We’d been thinking for a while that our school could apply as a “school of culture” of the Hessian Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs. In this context and inspired by the master’s thesis, we became aware of the Crespo Foundation’s flying artist’s room. After we’d studied what was required to make a bid for it, we were convinced that we should apply and that we might have a good chance.
Our expectations of the flying artist’s room
We generally have too little space and time for artistic activity in studio-like spaces. With the flying artist’s room, art, music and everything creative can now have the space they deserve in the countryside and not just in the city. That’s the best thing about the programme!
Why the artist definitely had to be a performer
In Claudia Sárkány we’ve been able to attract a performer with an artistic focus who we hope will come up with lots of ideas for our students during the 2021/22 school year ahead. Parents, students and teachers are convinced that a performer can cater for the greatest range of artistic talents. And as we ideally want to reach all children and young people, this artist was the best choice for us.
“We hope that the flying artist’s room will bring about a new culture in the school and the region, and that everyone benefits much more from art and culture!”
Comment from the staffroom
Our first impression of the mobile building
The flying artist’s room is a wonderful way to offer space for artistic creation in the countryside. Its many different kinds of uses – as a place in which to create pictures and sculpture or as a film and recording studio and allowing all kinds of creativity, even combining all conceivable ideas in the arts – allow the building to be an excellent mobile art studio.
Hopes and joys
We’re particularly delighted that students, parents and teachers will be getting new opportunities for artistic creation and that the flying artist’s room will hopefully provide inspiration to lots of them so that as many people as possible find themselves in the flying artist’s room in some way, become familiar with the space and an artistic exploration of new topics, and can take something away with them at the end of the 2022 school year.
When the flying artist’s room moves on
We want to make it possible for the students to have fun with creative design. The space on its own inspires design in any form – building, painting, role-play, dressing up, singing, dancing and plays, but also filming and sound recording. But alongside that, there should be even more cultural education in the countryside and associated artistic projects.