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Herzlichen Glückwunsch liebe Tabea!
Und vielen Dank an all die anderen Teilnehmer:innen unseres kleinen Wettbewerbs!
Toll, dass ihr mitgemacht habt.
Jetzt wollen wir euch nicht länger auf die Folter spannen: Lest hier Tabeas Blogbeitrag.
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Viel Spaß beim Lesen!!!
Dear readers,
Racism is a topic surrounding everybody. We had the privilege to sit down with Dawid
Liftinger who showed us different artworks surrounding this topic.
Dawid is the artist living in the “fliegenden Künstlerzimmer” at the Walter Lübke Schule in Wolfhagen. My English teacher suggested we go to him, he connected this visit with the current topic and book we are reading, which is about racism. We didn’t know what to expect from the visit but were pleasantly surprised how he connected our visit with our current topic.
He showed us three different artworks: a music video, a painting and a video assay. After looking or watching each one we talked to him about what we saw and felt.
The music Video is “ This is America” by Childish Gambino:
The Video was very interesting to see and talk about this Music Video because everybody got to talk about their feelings after watching the Video. The Music Video depicts Violence and shows a sort of dissolution to it. While violent acts can be seen in the background The artist and dancers dance in the foreground. It also gives the illusion that a gun is more important than a Human life because every time someone is shot the gun gets carried away with more care and attention then the people that were killed with it. The music video felt innately weird because of all the moving pictures but talking with him made it easier understanding the basic concept of what the video is meant to say.
“The slave ship” is a painting from 1840 J.M.W. Turner and was painted fifty years later after the real disaster.
At a first glance the painting doesn’t look very haunting but Dawid showed us close ups of the painting revealing that it is much darker. When taken a closer look you can see hands and legs poking out of the water, some even being eaten by fish. I really liked this painting because you can’t see everything with one look. It is important to look closer than just giving it a glance.
The murder case of Halit Yozgat by forensic architecture, published on 08.06.2017 it was showcased on multiple Exhibitions. Once even at Documenta 14.
Halit was murdered in 2006 in Kassel Hesse. At the time he was murdere he worked at an
Internet cafe, when a neo nazi took his life. He was the ninth person in a series of ten murders by these people. A Hesse politician that was there at the time claimed to have not seen, heard or smelled anything out of order after Halit was shot twice. The group made this assay to bring Halit to justice and show the lies from Andreas Temme. When first watching it was shocking to see that this can happen so close to home. Especially with this evidence that Temme is not convicted of staying quiet to witness anything. The Video was very well made and I found it good that he showed us something we haven’t seen before.
My personal favorite thing about this experience was learning about how different artworks can be even the ones that aren’t usually perceived as such. Also learning that racism plays an important role in artworks and it’s especially important to look closer than just a glance.
Thank you for reading and I hope that you will visit the “fliegenden Künstlerzimmer” and let it surprise you as well. Let me know what you thought of it in the comments.
I hope you all the best, Tabea.
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